Self Sacrifice? ermmm….

This is typical reasoning, “everybody has got stuff they deal with…”. i know you feel as though you have all the care in the world but remembering this should help even if it really may not.


so what the deal about self sacrifice?

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Some nights ago i was just chilling in my room and my dad called me to help him turn on  the TV and play a movie (that he has seen about a million times now), i should add that i wonder why dad’s do that, i mean you are in front of the TV yet you call me from my room #sigh. (Just kidding i really don’t mind).


After a while, he says to me the reason i wanted to see this movie was so i could plan something like this for a group of families i believe need this.

My Initial thought ” jaw drop! why aren’t you thinking about that for yourself or thinking about other stuff you have to deal with?”
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But the enthusiasm with which he said it and the smile of content spread across his face made me rephrase my thought to this:


“I know we all have stuff to deal with, but taking out time to  think of someone else and how to make them smile even if it does not solve their problems, goes a long way, to make you happy too. you can only be happy doing that when it is from a genuine heart and not from a mind that is looking out or expecting same to be done to you, you can put it this way too, from a selfless heart”

Indeed making people happy, makes you happy. you don’t see a comedian cry while he makes others laugh”




self sacrifice

Not this bad though LOL


2 thoughts on “Self Sacrifice? ermmm….

  1. Nice piece. Laffin @ d guy hu transformed his body into a bridge! Is he tryin to be d messiah??LOL

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